The WCC annually organizes an Award Ceremony at which the awards are conferred. Each ceremony is held in a different country with a renowned university or academic institute acting as host.
In rewarding outstanding individuals, the World Cultural Council pays tribute to their significant and remarkable achievements and to the inspiration that they bring as role models for a new generation.
Institutions that wish additional information about hosting a Ceremony should contact the Secretary General.

Estonia 2011 – University of Tartu
28th World Council Award Ceremony, University of Tartu, Estonia, 10 November 2011 Date: 10 November 2011 Place of Ceremony: Assembly Hall Host Institution: University of Tartu Host Country: Tartu, Estonia (Tartu, Estonia November 10, 2011). The World Cultural Council celebrated it’s 28th Award Ceremony with the host of the University

México 2010 – Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
27th World Council Award Ceremony, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), Mexico, 8 December 2010 Date: 08 December 2010 Place of Ceremony: Great Hall Adolfo López Mateos Host Institution: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Host Country: Estado de México, México Toluca, Estado de México, México. December 2010. The

Belgium 2009 – University of Liège
World Cultural Council 26th Award Ceremony, Academic Hall University of Liège, Belgium, 25 November 2009. Date: 25 November 2009 Place of Ceremony: Academic Hall Host Institution: University of Liège Host Country: Liège, Belgium (Liège, Belgium November 25, 2009). The World Cultural Council celebrated its 26th Award Ceremony with the host

USA 2008 – Princeton University
25th World Council Awards Ceremony at Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall, Princeton University November 11, 2008. Date: 11 November 2008 Place of Ceremony: Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall Host Institution: Princeton University Host Country: New Jersey, USA (Princeton University, November 11, 2008) The World Cultural Council celebrated its 25th anniversary with the host

México 2007 – Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Date: 24 November 2007 Place of Ceremony: University Theater Host Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Host Country: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México (Monterrey, Nuevo León, November 24, 2007). The World Cultural Council celebrated its 24th Award Ceremony with the host of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Prof. Fraser Stoddart

México 2006 – Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Date: 28 October 2006 Place of Ceremony: Manuel M. Ponce Hall, Palace of Fine Arts Host Institution: Instituto Politécnico Nacional Host Country: México City, México The World Cultural Council celebrated its 23rd Anniversary at the Manuel M. Ponce Hall, Palace of Fine Arts, with the host of the National Polytechnic

México 2005 – Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro
Date: 12 November 2005 Place of Ceremony: Fernando Soler City Theater Host Institution: Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Host Country: Saltillo, México (November 12th, Saltillo, Coahuila, Fernando Soler City Theatre). “I’m optimistic and I can say that a lot of us are. I have the firm conviction that an Era

Belgium 2004 – University of Liège
Date: 08 November 2004 Place of Ceremony: Amphithéâtres de l’Europe Host Institution: University of Liège Host Country: Liège, Belgium Liège, Belgium. November 8th “Society needs our results and our best judgements,” Prof. Ralph J. Cicerone said after receiving the Albert Einstein Award. Prof. Cicerone explained at his response “International agreements

Finland 2003 – University of Helsinki
Date: 17 November 2003 Place of Ceremony: National Archives of Finland Host Institution: University of HelsinkiFinnish Society of Sciences and LettersNational Archives of Finland Host Country: Helsinki, Finland Societas Scientiarum Fennica Societas Scientiarum FennicaThe National Archives Service The National Archives Service (Finland, November 17) The World Cultural Council celebrated its

Ireland 2002 – University of Dublin
Date: 14 November 2002 Place of Ceremony: Trinity College Host Institution: University of Dublin Host Country: Dublin, Ireland President Rafael Estrada said during the message which he addressed during the World Cultural Council’s Award -giving Ceremony, hosted by Trinity College, Dublin University, Ireland, “I would like to thank the men of