The WCC annually organizes an Award Ceremony at which the awards are conferred. Each ceremony is held in a different country with a renowned university or academic institute acting as host.
In rewarding outstanding individuals, the World Cultural Council pays tribute to their significant and remarkable achievements and to the inspiration that they bring as role models for a new generation.
Institutions that wish additional information about hosting a Ceremony should contact the Secretary General.

Netherlands 2001 – The Utrecht University
Date: 21 November 2001 Place of Ceremony: Aula Academiegebow Host Institution: The Utrecht University Host Country: Utrecht, The Netherlands During the welcome address the Rector of the University, Prof. Willem Hendrik Gispen expressed “Today we are here to recognise outstanding leaders in the fields of science arts and I am

South Africa 2000 – Witwatersrand University
Date: 01 November 2000 Place of Ceremony: Great Hall Host Institution: Witwatersrand University Host Country: Johannesburg, South Africa The celebration of the Council’s Awards in five continents was hosted by the prestigious Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa. An eminent Australian scientist and a renowned American educator were honoured by the

Norway 1999 – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Date: 11 November 1999 Place of Ceremony: Main Building Host Institution: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Host Country: Trondheim, Norway The World Cultural Council presented the 1999 Albert Einstein World Award of Science to Prof. Robert Weinberg, Professor of Biology, from the Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

New Zealand 1998 – Victoria University of Wellington
Date: 19 November 1998 Place of Ceremony: Hunter Building Host Institution: Victoria University of Wellington Host Country: Wellington, New Zealand The fifteenth World Award Ceremony presented by the World Cultural Council was hosted by Victoria University of Wellington, and celebrated in the Hunter Building. The Award Ceremony was presided by

Thailand 1997 – Chulalongkorn University
Date: 12 November 1997 Place of Ceremony: Main Auditorium Host Institution: Chulalongkorn University Host Country: Bangkok, Thailand Her Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn representing the World Cultural Council recognised Prof. Jean-Marie Ghuysen with the Albert Einstein World Award of Science during the Award Ceremony of the World Cultural Council in

United Kingdom 1996 – University of Oxford
Date: 23 November 1996 Place of Ceremony: Voltaire Room Host Institution: University of Oxford Host Country: Oxford, United Kingdom The University of Oxford hosted the 1996 Award Ceremony. Prof. Alec Jeffreys who was the discoverer of DNA fingerprinting received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. This award was delivered

México 1995 – INBA, Conaculta, Palacio de las Bellas Artes
Date: 16 December 1995 Place of Ceremony: Palacio de Bellas Artes Host Institution: INBA, Conaculta, Palacio de las Bellas Artes Host Country: México City, México One of the founder of modern neuroscience, Prof. Herbert H. Jasper received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science. His entire research career has been

France 1994 – CODATA / ICSU / UNESCO
Date: 19 Sep 1994 Place of Ceremony: Convention Center “Le Manege” Host Institution: CODATA / ICSU / UNESCO Host Country: Chambery, France During the celebration of the 14th International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science of CODATA/ICSU in Chambery, France, the Albert Einstein World Award of Science was delivered to

México 1993 – Presidencia de la República
Date: 19 December 1993 Place of Ceremony: Palacio de Bellas Artes Host Institution: Presidencia de la República Host Country: México City, México Prof. Ali Javan received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science at the Palace of Fine Arts in México City in recognition to his more than 30 years

Canada 1992 – The National Research Council
Date: 27 November 1992 Place of Ceremony: Lester B. Pearson Building Host Institution: The National Research Council Host Country: Ottawa, Canada The Interdisciplinary Committee of the World Cultural Council selected Prof. Raymond U . Lemieux Professor Emeritus of the University of Alberta, as the winner of the “Albert Einstein” World