Date: 24 November 2007
Place of Ceremony: University Theater
Host Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Host Country: Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
(Monterrey, Nuevo León, November 24, 2007). The World Cultural Council celebrated its 24th Award Ceremony with the host of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
Prof. Fraser Stoddart Professor of Chemistry and the Fred Kavli Chair in NanoSystems Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, received the 2007 Albert Einstein World Award of Science.
“The roster of scientists who have won the “Albert Einstein” World Award of Science is a dauntingly impressive one. If I limit the roll call to only those scientists who have expressed their creativity through the medium of Chemistry, then I come across the names of Zewail and Cicerone and of Rowland and Lemieux. In the past few decades, they shaped Chemistry’s history and now they populate its pantheon. What an honor it is to join their company – as well as the ranks of the 19 other recipients! I extend my thanks most warmly to the Members of the Interdisciplinary Committee of World Culture Council for recognizing the significance of the research I have carried out these past four decades in four different countries – Scotland, Canada, England and the United States – with the involvement of a continuous flow of brilliant young researchers that now total about 300 from more than 25 countries.”
– Prof. Fraser Stoddart
Prof. Anne Moeglin-Delcroix Professor of philosophy of art at the University of Paris 1, she is also Director of a research unit on contemporary philosophy and philosophy of art received the 2007 Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts.
“At this solemn, grandiose moment, when this award is presented to me, I would like to share with you two emotions which move me: acknowledgement and pride.
“My thanks, first and foremost, go of course to the jury who, out of work submitted from all the world over, decided to choose mine. In this distinction I see the crowning of thirty years of surveys, analyses, writing and dialogue with my colleagues, in France and overseas.
“My thanks are then extended to the university of Paris, La Sorbonne, where I teach and head the Centre of Philosophy and Art, and to the National Centre of Scientific Research in Paris, which did the honour of introducing me to the jury of the Leonardo Da Vinci award. Only university and scientific institutions allow for the kind of research in which I am engaged, without direct economic gain.”
– Prof. Anne Moeglin-Delcroix.