Call for Awards Nominations 2025 of the World Cultural Council

The World Cultural Council is now accepting nominations for the Albert Einstein and the José Vasconcelos 2025 Awards. Nominations must be submitted by November 29, 2024, midnight Central European Time (CET).

Nominees for the Albert Einstein World Award of Science should be eminent scientists whose achievements can serve as an inspiration for future generations. Considerations will be given to individuals or institutions in one of the Life Sciences, such as Neuroscience, Earth Science, Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry; or in one of the Natural Sciences such as Physics, Mathematics or Astronomy. The prize is awarded every year.

A candidate for the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education should be a renowned educator, an authority in the field of teaching, or an individual who has promoted education policies. Through their work, the individual or team should have had a significant influence on the advancement of culture for humankind. The prize is awarded every second year.

In addition to considering the candidate’s breakthrough achievements, the jury will also take into account the service which each has made to humankind and their qualities as a role model who inspires future generations to contribute to a better world.

To nominate online or for further details of the awards, please see the Nomination Requirements page.

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McGill University, Canada

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McGill University

You can find additional information about the event on the McGill University 2024 WCC Awards website